Sunday, 19 October 2014

Criticism, please be kind.

Critics are a funny lot, we see them all the time in these days of TV talent shows, restaurant and movie reviews. You can't even buy a new set of tea towels without checking what thirty total strangers think.

When you take a photograph it is in your hands, you do everything you can to make it right, you get the most appropriate kit, learn all you can, organize things to the tiniest detail and then push that shutter button, with a remote control sometimes just to avoid camera shake. You can edit, a bit or a lot but you still can't make a bad photo into a good photo. 

I spend so much time before I start editing a set of photos, I have never had a client unhappy with what I have given them, in fact they are usually delighted. I have confidence in my abilities but I just can't start sometimes in case there is something I don't like, I will convince myself that they will all be bad and I will have to tell a wonderful family or happy newly weds that the photos are rubbish. 

It is the oddest feeling, I am nervous bordering on scared, I am at my most vulnerable. The thing that I have created is just about to be presented to my customers, to their friends and family and maybe to some new clients in the future. What if my vision is wrong, what if they were expecting something else, something different, something better? 

The simple answer could be that I care about what I do, I want to my please my customers, want them to be happy. Does everyone go through this or is this need to please worse for others, can this turmoil I go through be traced back to some past event or is it purely taking a pride in what you do? Do you ask yourselves the same questions before you submit a piece of work, a new painting, even a blog post? 

Is this something that I will get better at or will I always struggle with this side of the business?, the fact that I see these photos as mine, even though the content is not personal each image cannot be released until it is perfect. It can be exhausting, but it can also be extremely rewarding, I just wish it didn't come so hard. 


  1. Chris, sounds to me as if you truly are putting your whole heart into your work. And just like in a romantic relationship when putting your heart out there for the very first time....of course you feel vulnerable.
    Even though I have not seen your photography I am sure it is your heart that makes it great.
    Don't aim for perfect. That indeed is exhausting. Aim for wholesome which to me is perfect with all its imperfections because it is focused on LOVE. Keep up the great work! Well done.

  2. As Nadia said in the comment before mine, it definitely sounds like you care a great deal about your work, and that is a wonderful thing! I am sure each photo is beautiful because you put your whole heart into each and every one you create! Its definitely natural to worry about what people will think of your work, though. Especially if the work is creative. As a creative-type myself, I believe that when we create something artistic, we are putting a part of ourselves out into the world. Even if its a photo of someone else, its still your work, and there is a little bit of you in every piece you create. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with feeling vulnerable about it or nervous about how people will feel about it because you are putting yourself out there. I'd say just keep on doing what you do, especially if your clients are pleased & happy with the results!! That just means that your passion for your work is showing through, and that is truly something to be proud of! Great post :)

  3. This is totally normal. A level of this kind of feeling goes along way to appreciate your own work and keep you in a state of growing and self improvement. Its not abnormal to feel the exact feelings you are feeling. When you open Lightroom and take a deep breath... photographers world wide would feel this quite often, trust me. Often though we hold ourselves to a very high personal standard and are our own toughest critique. Sometimes though we have to let the photos just be... the client deserves to see the joy you captured and having confidence in the work is a gift to them. Great post mate. great post.

  4. Confidence is such a finicky thing! For some reason, criticizing has turned into expressing negativity, but criticism can be GOOD too! I hate that we all feel so afraid of putting ourselves out there because of the negativity just waiting to bite. The silver lining though, is there is still so much good waiting! You have to weed through the bad ones to get the goods ones, and when you do - it's truly THE BEST! Keep on keeping on my friend!

  5. Chris - I definitely know how you feel! I always get butterflies in my stomach on my way to my "Reveal/Ordering Appointments"! <3

  6. Hi Chris. I definitely feel like this as well. I tend to put this down to feeling inexperienced, but really it is just lack of confidence. But the last wedding photos I finished, I had a real sense of accomplishment. I am so pleased with the results I even gave myself a pat on the back. I hope this will mean that next time the editing is an easier task. I hope your nerves get better too!

  7. Thank you all, it is really kind of you to take the time to read and comment and great that I am not alone in feeling like this.
