Sunday 19 October 2014

Won't you please please help me.

Today is about help. Help for me to get this subject written down in a simple way and hopefully help for you.

Option one: Research and memorise the following concepts:

Composition, negative space, rule of thirds, lead in lines, shape and proportion, degree of light and dark, rhythm, geometry, repetition, creation of movement and the rules of odds.

All of these you MUST consider before taking any photo otherwise your work will be rubbish, it is that simple.

Option two: You could do what feels good, what pleases your eye and what looks right.

I would go with option two, here are a few 'simple' tips to help with that. The great thing about this is it doesn't mean you have to buy new kit and it may just make a huge difference to your work.

This is a big subject and there are lots of things to consider (see option One) but I'm going to break this down to two points for now:

Rules of space

Leave a little room for your subject to move or look into, balance the picture by having some space around your main subject but not so much emptiness that the focus of the image looks awkward and lost.

Lines and points of focus

Features in your picture to draw your eye into the image and lines to lead your view to different points around the space.

That's it, as always these can be ignored but are useful things to consider, if nothing else they just start to make you think a bit more before clicking the shutter button.

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  1. I like how you keep it simple. Great post!

  2. I really like the emotion in your photos. good stuff #feelgoodbloggingchallenge

  3. Great post, Chris. Sweet and simple, but helpful.

  4. Love your work! And it is definitely better to go out and shoot than to memorise photography concepts. I never seem to remember them when it counts anyway. Looking forward to your other posts!

  5. This is great! I like to combine #1 and #2 as much as possible!! :)

  6. Thank you all, I'm glad you thought it was helpful and straightforward. I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.
